Kogan.com does not allow including external references in product listings or messages that direct customers away from Kogan.com platform to an external channel.
To protect all sellers and customers from malicious or fraudulent activities, sellers must ensure that all sales and communications are made within the channels managed by Kogan.com.
Such references may include, and are not limited to:
- Using your website address or similar as a store name
- Including website URLs, direct contact details such as phone numbers, physical mail addresses or e-mail addresses in the product listings or seller T&C's page
- Providing external links or direct contact details via Help Centre
- Including any marketing or promotional material that promotes another website
- Issuing store credits for another website or retailer
- Emailing customers outside Kogan.com Marketplace Help Centre
In instances where a seller has been found to be contravening this policy, Kogan.com can remove or disable listings and in serious cases, suspend or terminate the seller’s access to the Kogan.com Marketplace.